Social Networks


Facebook Android app simplifies social networking with popular features, except gaming. Photos and content sharing available, but no direct messages.


Instagram, a once simple photo app, has transformed into a popular social network. It now includes features like filters, live videos, and stories. Users can find content based on interests and connect with other social networks. Ultimately, it offers a means of self-expression and connection.


Twitter is the official app of the social media platform. It allows users to access content, post tweets, and has a new visual identity after being acquired by Elon Musk. The app features a home section, a create tweet button, a search section, notifications, and private messaging.


Pinterest is a PC version of a social network for finding inspiration through images and visual compositions. You can create boards or view others' ideas. Download for easy access.


Snapchat app for Windows allows chatting, content creation, and Bitmoji customization.

Facebook Desktop

Facebook Desktop app: stay updated about Facebook friends on desktop.


LinkedIn Windows app: professional profile, job search, network expansion, skills improvement.