
Kindle Previewer

Kindle Previewer is a free Amazon app that allows authors to preview ebooks on various Kindle devices, ensuring professional appearance and accessibility across screen sizes and fonts.

Amazon System WebView

Access websites in WebView on Fire OS.

Amazon Luna

Amazon Luna is an online game streaming platform, launched in 2020, allowing HD and 4K streaming on various devices, requiring a subscription and controller for access.

Amazon Music

Amazon Music is the official Mac client for Amazon's music service, offering thousands of songs for Prime users and over 70 million with an unlimited subscription.


Discover millions of books, magazines, and comics with the Kindle app. Enjoy seamless reading, personalized recommendations, and customizable backgrounds on your favorite devices anytime, anywhere.


Kindle offers a vast library of eBooks and audiobooks, personalized reading recommendations, and customizable features to enhance your reading experience anytime, anywhere.

Amazon Prime Video

Stream thousands of movies, TV shows, and Amazon Originals with Amazon Prime Video. Enjoy exclusive content, offline viewing, and personalized recommendations tailored to your tastes.